Director of Kate MacIntyre Consulting Ltd since 2015.  For seven years prior I led significant change and improvement programmes as the Patient Safety Officer at Wellington’s Capital and Coast District Health Board. I am a Registered Nurse with experience in Interpersonal Communication, Patient Safety, Leadership, Quality and Improvement Science, Emergency Management, Nursing Management and a wide range of clinical settings.

About Kate MacIntyre Consulting

Kate MacIntyre picMy career and business are focused on people and what brings out the best in them.

Since establishing Kate MacIntyre Consulting Ltd. in 2015 I have enjoyed working with and delivering successful outcomes for a range of clients including District Health Boards, Primary Care Providers, Victoria University Postgraduate School of Nursing and Midwifery, and the NZ Health Quality and Safety Commission.

If you want to improve your communication skills (or if you have been told you need to) I may have just what you are looking for.  I believe I have a unique experience and skill to offer those looking to “change the frame” through one to one coaching for professional, leadership, communication and interpersonal excellence.  My coaching clients include senior medical officers, registered nurses, allied health staff, managers and self employed directors.  Check out what they have to say about working with me on my testimonials page or click here.

This century (since 2000) my passion for ensuring that all patients and staff experience positive, respectful, kind, safe care and work led me to working as a Quality Leader and then into Patient Safety. I have developed a broad experience and expertise in Coaching Interpersonal Communication, Patient Safety, Improvement Science, Open Disclosure (Open Communication), Safety Culture, Quality and Risk.

From my time as an Emergency Management Manager I learned about preparing people and organisations for emergencies. How to bring teams together to function well in high pressured, stressful environments. I managed power failures, fires, communication failures, bomb threats, earthquakes and hospital evacuations.

As a Clinical Adviser for the Capital Coast Health After Hours Management Team my responsibilities included coordination of staffing, resource management, clinical leadership and emergency response as well as regularly undertaking the role of Night Duty Manager. I also developed and delivered teaching sessions for after hours staff.

From my career in clinical practice as a Registered Nurse providing high quality patient care that was safe, empathic, kind and respectful was my priority for all the patients I cared for. Of equal importance was being a safe and effective member of the health care team.

I am passionate about people, about working in partnership together, and about enabling insight and excellence in others.